Аккорды песни Beatles — Everybodys Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey (tab)

Beatles — Everybodys Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey (tab) аккорды


Come on, come on, come on, come on

Come on it`s such a joy, come on, it`s such a joy

Come on let`s make it easy, come on let`s make it easy
Make it easy, make it easy
B7 E D G E G D
Everybody`s got something to hide except for me and my monkey

While the verses are going on, the rhythm guitar repeats the intro
parts over and over with slight rhythmic variations. The
lead guitar does dozens of variations along the following lines:
Listen closely and hear 1001 ways to play those few notes.


All guitars should should, of course, do the boogie-woogie shuffle
starting with the A chord:

Take it easy

Take it easy

Everybody`s got something to hide except for me and my …

.. and here`s the fun part. Cool the way the chords "turn around"
in the second phrase:


What a great tune to jam with.

Tab Special Notations:
—-0—- play the open string (`fret zero`)
—-5—- play fret five
—-5~— play fret five with vibrato
—5/7— play fret five, slide up to fret seven
—75— play fret seven, slide down to fret five
—75/7— play fret seven, slide down to fret five, slide back up
—8b(9)— play fret eight, bend the string (at fret eight) to reach
the pitch of fret nine
—b(9)8— play fret eight already bent to the pitch of fret nine,
unbending until it reaches the normal pitch of fret eight
—-h7— hammer-on to fret seven
—-p5— pull-off to fret five
—/7—- slide up to fret 7 (the starting fret of the slide is
undefined, judge by ear)
—15— play fret 15, slide down (the ending fret of the slide is
undefined, judge by ear)
—0h3— play the open string and immediately hammer-on to fret
—7p5— play fret seven and immediately pull-off to fret five

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